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Melasma Treatment in Delhi

Melasma Treatment Cost in Delhi ranges from Rs.4,000 to Rs.12,000 per session

Are you unhappy with dark, mask-like marks on your skin? No need to conceal your skin with make-up anymore as you can get back your natural complexion! Highly qualified and experienced cosmetic dermatologists can help set you free from discoloured/hyperpigmented skin spots or patches with a variety of treatments if natural fading isn’t taking place. At Delhi Wellness Clinics, we have such a dedicated team of highly trained dermatologists ready to develop a tailored skin treatment program to provide the results your skin deserves. If you are ready to invest in professional skin pigmentation and melasma removal treatment in Greater Kailash, Delhi for a more confident you, it’s time for you to contact Delhi Wellness Clinics! Schedule a consultation today.

Melasma Treatment in Delhi

What is melasma?

Melasma is one of the pigmentation disorders, where the skin appears darker in spots or patches, in colour, light brown, tan, or dark brown. There could even be freckle-like spots on the affected skin. The condition can present itself on any region of the skin, especially those that are sun-exposed like the face. This aesthetic skin concern usually flares up or worsens in the summer months. Often, pregnant women are seen with dark, gray-brown patches on their faces, and in such a case the condition is known as chloasma- the mask of pregnancy.

How does melasma develop?

To date, the root cause of melasma isn’t completely understood. However, many factors have a role in the development of melasma. These include:

  • Hormonal changes- Hormones like prog-est-erone and oes-trogen fluctuate during pregnancy, menopause, and hormonal therapy or intake of oral contraceptives. This can trigger melasma in dark-skinned women.

    Furthermore, some research findings suggest that excessive stress can trigger melasma because of an increase in cortisol hormone which further affects melanin production. Also, the patients suffering from thyroid issues experience increased oes-tr-ogen levels which triggers melasma development by stimulating the skin’s melanin production.
  • Sun exposure- The sun’s UV radiation stimulates the melanocytes- the melanin-producing cells to produce more of the coloured pigment- the melanin. As melanin is the pigment that provides the skin its natural colour, the excess of melanin on sun-exposed skin makes the skin darker than usual.
  • Genetics- Melasma may run in families.
  • Certain products- The application of irritating or harsh skin products as well as scented or fragranced products may even trigger melasma symptoms.

Delhi Wellness Clinics has the Best Melasma Treatment Doctors in Greater Kailash, Delhi who perform the best diagnosis of the root cause of melasma and provide the best advice for melasma removal.


What are the different types of melasma?

What are the different types of melasma?

Melasma can show up in one of the three ways. The three types vary in the darkness of the colour of the spots/patches, the shape of the border of the spots/patches, and the affected skin’s response to the treatment.

  • Epidermal melasma- This type only affects the superficial skin. Dark skin patches of relatively uniform shape appear on the face.
  • Dermal melasma- This type affects the skin’s middle layer- the dermis. Bluish-grey or greyish-brown patches with a blurry border appear on the affected areas of the skin.
  • Mixed melasma- This type is a combination of the epidermal and dermal melasma that most people develop. A mixture of grey, brown, or bluish-grey patches appears on the skin affected with melasma.

At Delhi Wellness Clinics, the best dermatologist provides the best pigmentation and melasma removal treatment in Greater Kailash, Delhi. Visit them for detailed insights!

How is melasma diagnosed?

A skin professional can diagnose melasma by simple visual examination of the pigmented skin. Wood’s lamp that emits black light may even be used to analyse the changes in skin colour and identify each melasma type. This light can reveal the extent/depth of pigmentation of the skin caused by the sun’s UV radiation, which is not noticeable to the naked eye. It can even check if fungal or bacterial infection is causing the pigmentation.

If there is severe pigmentation, a skin biopsy test may be done to eliminate other possible conditions that can also cause pigmentation problems.

How can melasma be treated?

For some, melasma can naturally clear up. But, if this is not happening, there are at-home and in-clinic treatments available to lighten the skin or reduce the skin discoloration. A dermatologist recommends the best melasma removal treatment plan based on the patient’s skin type and the type and severity of melasma.

The treatment options include:

OTC melasma treatments- These include topicals containing Vitamin C, sun protection factor, niacinamide, kojic acid, a re-tinol product, and/or hydr-oquinone- the ingredients that help lighten the skin. For details on cheek pigmentation removal in Delhi one can consult the experts at Delhi Wellness Clinics.

  • Oral treatment- The tran-ex-amic acid-containing tablets.
  • In-clinic treatments- These include chemical peels, microneedling, GFC therapy, and light or laser-based treatments.

Effective chemical peeling options include glycolic acid, lactic acid, and low-strength trichloroacetic acid peels. Depending on the depth of pigmentation, a chemical peel type is selected. A chemical peel, when applied to the melasma spots/patches, causes controlled skin injury which peels off the pigmented skin layers while stimulating fresh collagen production. Microneedling involves creating minute holes in the affected skin to allow natural skin healing and collagen remodelling so that the skin gets evenly toned.

GFC therapy involves taking the patient’s blood and processing it in a centrifuge machine to isolate the platelet-enriched plasma which contains natural growth factors and essential proteins that aid in natural healing of the skin. Light or laser-based treatments are recommended when melasma shows resistance to all other treatments. The heat generated from intense light pulses or laser beams helps break down extra melanin pigments in the skin which are later eliminated from the system by the immune system of the body.

How can melasma be avoided?

The first and foremost way to avoid melasma is to prevent the skin’s direct exposure to the sunlight with the help of ample sun protection. It is recommended to wear sunscreen of SPF 30 and above and sun-protective clothing whenever stepping outside in the daytime. The best is to limit trips outdoors during peak hours of the sun. Not only sun exposure, it is also suggested to avoid artificial tanners or tanning beds.

Furthermore, dermatologists recommend having a skin-healthy diet plan; a healthy lifestyle that includes an active routine, no stress, and proper nighttime sleep; and a proper skincare regime. Anything that could irritate the skin should be avoided. To get more details one can get in touch with an expert dermatologist for Melasma Treatment in Greater Kailash, Delhi.

FAQs About Melasma Treatment in Delhi

Melasma has no definitive cure but it is treatable with a variety of cosmetic products and procedures. A dermatologist can determine the best, appropriate treatment for melasma based on one’s skin condition and extent of pigmentation.

No, melasma is not a serious, life-threatening skin condition or cancer. It is very unlikely that melasma becomes cancerous. Still, if there is an unusual skin pigmentation, it is important to get a definitive diagnosis to rule out the possibility of skin cancer.

To keep skin melasma-free naturally, it is important to follow a proper skincare routine, as suggested by your dermatologist. Sun protection with sunscreens and sun-protective clothing is a must. Avoid using skin-irritating products, lead a healthy lifestyle, and disguise your melasma with makeup if you please.

It depends on the extent of pigmentation. Melasma is typically a long-lasting hyperpigmentation disorder. Epidermal melasma does not as long as dermal melasma as it is superficial to the skin.

Fading can happen naturally over time taking several months or be quick with treatments. To reduce melasma appearance, good sun protection is a must.

Areas affected with melasma appear flat not raised.

Melasma develops on sun-exposed areas, especially on the face on areas like the chin, cheeks, nose, upper lip, and forehead. It may even show up on the jawline, neck, back, chest, and forearms.

Melasma is a stubborn skin issue that requires a dermatologist's help for removal and to help people achieve smoother, melasma-free skin. If one is looking for melasma removal treatment and wants to learn more about the competitive melasma treatment cost in Delhi, you can visit Delhi Wellness Clinics.

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